Because they hold still longer than BW.....
I've been rolling around on the floor taking pics of the dogs. I am now covered in dog hair, but I have managed to remember how to use all the settings on my camera. And the pups are so sweet and still after a morning of frolicking and playing. They're plum tuckered out, which makes it easier to take pictures of them.
And, hey, Carolyn, I have the same camera you do. The Sony Cyber-shot. Mine is a few years old. Sometimes I get some wonderful shots, and sometimes - not so wonderful. I'll let you decide what today's are. Earlier I was having a bunch of problems with it, but then I played with it some more. It seems that I'm only having issues on certain settings. I'm guessing my problems are more user-error than anything else. That usually seems to be the issue, in my case!
We got MM dropped off at his rig last night. Before we left him, we took him to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. They did the obnoxious birthday thing - made him sit on some saddle thingy and yell yee-haw at the top of his lungs. Unfortunately, my computer somehow ate those pictures, so I have no evidence. And considering how awful they turned out, it was probably for the best. MM really didn't want any documentation of his little dinner, anyway.
This weekend looks like it will be filled with reading and playing with BW, taking pictures, and catching up on Dr. Who. I also have a Netflix movie to watch. I do need to hit the grocery store at some point, and unfortunately that will entail getting dressed. Or I could just go as crazy pajama lady. It's Wal-Mart, I'm sure they've seen it all before....
So, that's all in today's A Day In The Life Of Me post. So exciting, I'll bet you can hardly stand it, right? So, tell me, my wonderful readers....Is it better to have posted something boring, or to never have posted at all? Discuss amongst yourselves. Try not to hurt my feelings in the comments, I'm feeling fragile today.
What a timely read this was for me Lisa - being new to this whole blogging thing, I was just wondering the same thing about whether it was better to blog something that's really nothing or to not blog at all. I'm really sleepy so was leaning toward not at all. But, you may have inspired me ;-)
About the camera - I do think there is a good chance the problem is me and not the camera. However, I never needed any training to use the ones I've borrowed in the past. I haven't quite given up hope yet.
I figured out today though that I guess there is a whole line of these Cyber-shots. So - the one DH tried to buy me that was $300 was a CyberShot and so is this $139 one. Has the same # mega pixels as the pricier model- which I for some reason decided was the important thing??
I'd be interested in anything you have learned regarding settings (when to use which, etc) My biggest problem is that it seems it doesn't tolerate even the slightest bit of motion. Also, even still shots are sometimes just not sharp (slightly blurry)
Glad you decided to write today. Good night.
I know next to nothing about my camera, sadly enough. I usually go through and take a million shots using a bunch of different settings, and then I can never remember which one does which. I'm happy that I can remember how to get to the settings to actually change them all. That was my task yesterday. :)
I got the best pictures when everything was just on the default setting. I'll keep you updated though, as I take my photo class and learn more!!
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