Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Am Awesome.....

I got my exam back tonight, and I got an A+. A 99%. Our class had a 77% average, with the highest score being a 101% (extra credit question), and the lowest was a 39%. I'm so unbelievably happy, I can't even begin to tell you. I worked my butt off for that test, and it's always nice to see all that hard work pay off.

I was so scared to take this class, I'd always heard it was so difficult. I kept putting it off and putting it off. And don't get me wrong, it is hard. It takes a ton of time. But it's not nearly as difficult as I'd imagined.

So, I have hope for the rest of the semester. My professor said this was one of the more difficult exams we had to take. I know I can't slide on this class at all, but as long as I can stay focused and get enough study time, I'll be just fine.

What a relief.


Anonymous said...

That's great! Good job. What a great start to the semester.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I'm pretty damn happy about it! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm grinning for you. Way to go.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Zayna!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go L! Off to a great start!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! :) I'm still doing a little happy dance!