We got kittens! Because, apparently, we're nuts.* ;)
BW's been asking for kittens for a while now, and we kept telling him no. Well, MM kept telling him no. I was sort of ambivalent. If I didn't have to clean the litter box, I didn't really care.
I like cats, and we miss our dogs. They're still living with MM's friend, until we're in a place we can keep them at. And we may be losing Eva - MM's friend has bonded with her, and since we didn't get her until December, he's technically had her longer than we did at this point. I think we'd all be OK with him adopting her permanently. I just miss my Daisy May.
Anyway, we were all missing something furry, MM finally changed his mind, and after we checked out the Humane Society's website** MM decided to take BW and go pick one out. We ended up with a pair of sisters, three months old.
They're adorable and playful and BW is in love. He's been really great with them - playing with them, cleaning their litter box, making sure they always have food and water.
We're still trying to pick out names. Any ideas?
MM still hasn't heard back about the job he interviewed for. Supposedly this week. They have been in contact, apparently they're waiting to hear back from his last employer. I'm a huge bundle of nerves, and I'm not even the one applying. I hate the whole application/interview process!
It has been really nice having him home, though. He's been having dinner ready and on the table every night when I walk in the door. I bought him a rice maker the other day, and he's been using that a lot. He does all the dishes. Keeps our place relatively clean. I'm hoping all this doesn't come to a screeching halt once he's working again. It probably won't, he's always helped out as far as housekeeping goes.
I'm off to work now. Still liking the job for the most part, but, oh how I'd like my old life back. I miss being home with BW all day!
* According to M2. She's right, though. We are nuts.
** An average of 100 kittens and cats dropped off there per day - sad, disgusting, and completely avoidable. Spay and neuter, folks. Seriously.
HA! Another "it's a small world moment"....I used to volunteer at that exact Humane Society! I can't remember the exact streets but I'm pretty sure it.s the exact same one....closest to your house, right?
How funny! Yep, it's pretty close. More central then I am, but still close!
They're adorable. For girls cats (sisters especially) I like the names Ruby and Rosie. Just a suggestion.
And I couldn't agree more about the spaying and neutering. We have four cats that were all rescued and the first thing that happens when they move in is a trip to the vet for exactly that.
Hubby started his new contract just this week and I have to admit that I really miss him. In 15 years we had never had 2 whole months together and though all we did was camping and house repairs, it sure felt like a real vacation.
Hey! We like your names!! Ruby and Rosie it is! YAY!!!!!
I'm glad you got to enjoy your time off together. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. ;)
Woohoo, I feel like I won something. That's so cool.
And thanks, it was evidence that we'll probably survive retirement together.
You did, I should send you a Starbucks gift card or something! :)
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