Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Fifteen

Around 4:30 this afternoon I realized that today is the 15th anniversary of MM and I being together.

Obviously, we had nothing special planned, though thinking back through the years did give us some warm fuzzies.

I can't wait to start on the next fifteen.

I love you, MM!

To All The Married People Out There Still Doing It, Take Two

Friday, October 30, 2009

To All The Married People Out There Still Doing It

This week has been looonnngggg. I have to work today and Monday, then I'm off until the following Saturday, and I can't freakin' wait. Until I have more time to post something more substantial, here's a little of this and that:

We're wanting to start geocaching - is that even the right word?? Anybody have any advice on how to get started?? I'm not even sure how it all works. It looks like it would be fun though, and we'd like to give it a go.

MM and BW carved the most amazing pumpkins - seriously, didn't know they had it in them! MM's is two sided so we can see it from inside, as well as sharing it's amazingness with the public. I'll post pictures if I remember to take some.

Last weekend M1, her sister and kids and I all headed to Tucson for One Republic and Rob Thomas. Rob* came down into the audience and I was about three feet away from him. It was very exciting, and I was all "(SQUEEEEE) OH MY GOD!!!!! ROB!!!!!!!! TOUCH ME, ROB THOMAS!!!!" along with all the other mid-thirty-plus ladies there, because, yes, we are all still apparently fifteen like that.

I'll post a video from the concert later.** I just can't figure out how to make it work before I have to leave.


*Because we're on a first name basis like that.

**I apologize for the blog title - it would have made more sense with the video.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Wow. I have been neglecting my blog like crazy. But, I actually accomplished something this morning/early afternoon, and I feel as if I can take on a blog post. Yay, me!

I had an essay to write for a class that was due tomorrow. I'm heading for Tucson to see Rob Thomas and One Republic (Awesome.) this afternoon, so I really wanted to have it done today. I'll be home late and have to work tomorrow. I hate finishing things up on the day they're due. I had to work yesterday so I didn't get anything else done. I've been crazy busy.

So, this morning, not only did I get the essay completed, but I finished a final for another class (yay, I'm down to two classes for the semester!!!) and am managing to write a little something for my blog. And I still have time to shower before leaving. Look at me go!

I just have to get through one more week of craziness before having four days off. IN A ROW. I've promised BW they will be devoted 100% to him. Whatever he wants to do. My undivided attention. No school, no work, just us. We can barely wait.

Now I just have to think of something for us to do. We're really wanting to go to Old Tucson, Tombstone and Sierra Vista. Maybe the Caverns. But MM may or may not be working by then (he's got a little something in the works that may pan out by then), and I hate to do that stuff without him. If he can't go, I'd rather do stuff he doesn't care to do with us. And surprisingly, I'm out of ideas. I'd love to go to Texas, but four days just isn't enough time. Any ideas in the NM, AZ, CA, NV, UT area, anyone? Anything that can be done in four days or less, on the cheap?

Now, to totally switch topics, mentally things are a lot better. Thanks to a course of pharmaceutical intervention, I'm feeling like I can handle life again. MM and I have gotten back on track, I feel like I can handle work and school, and being a semi-good* parent to BW. It's been a rough few months, but the tension has lifted. A few more months and I should be able to go to part-time at work, and things will begin to resemble the life I envision. You know, the one where I actually have time to focus on my child and husband?

Also, these last couple of months have shown me what an incredible man my husband is. MM has just been a dream lately. As frustrated and angry as I can sometimes get with him, as depressed and crazy as I've been feeling lately, as unpleasant and, well, downright horribly as I've been acting lately - having a husband who loves you, wants you to be happy, and is willing to do everything in his power to make things right in his marriage to you is a beautiful thing.** I have been able to step back and truly appreciate what a great guy he is. For a while, I think I had forgotten.

So, this was kind of a hodgepodge of topics! Kind of how my mind is working as of late. I actually feel like I want to write again, now that I'm not feeling so desperate. Hopefully things will continue to perk up and I'll start to feel more and more like myself.


*As opposed to the barely there, craptastic parent I've been the last couple o' months.

**Seriously. No one else would take this shit from me. Not only does he put up with it, but he still willingly remains married to me. And claims to enjoy it. Awesome, no? :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So. Just found out my former SIL - Bubby's bio-mom - is pregnant again. This will be number five. The first four currently spread out in three different places across the country.

I gave her six months out of rehab to end up preggers again. It took her five. I should get some sort of prize, don't ya think?

The whole thing is so crushingly, depressingly sad. She called my nephews and announced the news that they were going to have a new brother or sister as if they should be excited about it or something. The father is some jobless fifty year old who sounds like a real winner. He's her third or fourth boyfriend the ten months she's been out.

Can people be forced to have their tubes tied? Can the courts get involved at some point and take away her right to procreate?
