A Personality quiz about your religious and spiritual beliefs
Your Results
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.
How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards.
1. | Unitarian Universalism (100%) |
2. | Neo-Pagan (97%) |
3. | New Age (90%) |
4. | Liberal Quakers (88%) |
5. | Secular Humanism (83%) |
6. | Theravada Buddhism (80%) |
7. | Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (73%) |
8. | Mahayana Buddhism (72%) |
9. | Taoism (67%) |
10. | Nontheist (56%) |
11. | Reform Judaism (55%) |
12. | Orthodox Quaker (47%) |
13. | New Thought (47%) |
14. | Scientology (42%) |
15. | Sikhism (42%) |
16. | Jainism (40%) |
17. | Baha'i Faith (37%) |
18. | Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (33%) |
19. | Hinduism (31%) |
20. | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (23%) |
21. | Orthodox Judaism (22%) |
22. | Seventh Day Adventist (21%) |
23. | Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (17%) |
24. | Eastern Orthodox (12%) |
25. | Islam (12%) |
26. | Roman Catholic (12%) |
27. | Jehovah's Witness (7%) |
Welcome to my results for the Belief-O-Matic! Have I posted this before? My apologies, if I have!
They actually sound pretty close to right, although I was a little surprised that Neo-Pagan and New Age were so close to the top. Must be the nature lover in me. I did love that Liberal Quaker was within the top five. I have always had a special fondness for the Quakers, and now I know why.
I'm back safely from my quick trip to Phoenix. My interviewers managed to cram three meetings into a two day period, and all seemed to go well. I've been sent the info to go be drug tested*, as well and some stuff to fill out for a background check. It's looking promising, although I won't hear anything for sure for about another week.
On one hand, I'm hoping I get this job because the oil field is not picking up quickly and one of us needs to work. It's a great company with great benefits, but it's customer service. I really didn't want to go back to customer service. A teeny tiny part of me hopes they won't offer it to me at all so I can continue to be the stay at home parent. But I know that's unfair to MM, and in this economy, whoever can manage to get a job should be thankful for it.
MM and I have decided that one of us will work full-time and the other will work part-time or not at all so that BW can still be home schooled for as long as he wants to be. BW has mentioned trying school here and there, but thankfully hasn't been too serious about it so far. I'm perfectly willing to let him try it (in theory) but when I start looking into schools, it makes me a little queasy.
For the time being, MM is really enjoying being the primary parent. He's still looking for work, but he's thinking he wants to head back to the oil field so there's not much happening now. He's applied to a bunch of other things in Phoenix, but without any luck. As much as we hate it, it may be that I work until I get into nursing school full-time, and then he heads to NM or TX to work until I finish school.
With that in mind, he's enjoying his time off and spending loads of time having fun with BW. They're going to baseball games and skate parks quite frequently. They're hanging out and having fun. I love that they have this time to spend together! Especially if MM ends up working out of state next year.
I love planning our future, but hate the day to day process of making it all happen. I'm too impatient for it. I wish I could just get to the good stuff. I envision a future where I'm working as a travel nurse with Phoenix as our home base. We're traveling the U.S., seeing different places, spending time together as a family. My dreams** usually involve me making enough money for MM to be able to not work and be with BW. But the scraping by and getting through school and thinking about having MM work out of state and all that is starting to get to me. I want to skip ahead to the good part! I want to live the dream, not the details! Which, when I think about it, gives explanation to a lot of my personal issues.
I'm off to study and play Farm Town on Facebook.*** I have decided that both are evil. I won't even tell you the countless hours I've spent on both recently. It's sad, really. I think M2 is about to disown me over it.
*And I really, really hope that poppy seed salad dressing doesn't hang out in your system for too long. I really don't want to have to explain that I am NOT an opium junky. Simply a lover of poppy seeds.
**Most recently, they involve an Airstream trailer....I've taken a tour, and I've been converted. And Matthew McConaughey has one. Since he IS my secret lover, I must have one, too.****
***I'm spending even more time on FB now that I am able to switch the language to Pirate's English. Arrr. It takes so little to amuse me.
****I'm kidding. I do think it's pretty cool that Matthew has one, but it's really not that important to me. And I don't really do the secret lover and/or boyfriend thing. Although, if I were going to start? He'd be pretty high up on my list....Just saying.